BETA 1.0.3
June 22, 2024New Resources
Komarden - A planetary navigation website
Starmap - A planetary information website
New Services
Star Citizen Friends & Mentoring
BETA 1.0.2
June 11, 2024New Services
Black Star Initiative
Stanton Security & Logistics Federation
New Pages
Category Distinction goes into more detail about each category and the requirements for listing a service under each category.
BETA 1.0.1
June 08, 2024New Services
Broken Moon Company
Rogue Loot Legion
Minor Updates to Layouts for better readability
Minor Changes to Application Form
Minor Changes to Logo Sizes & Descriptions
BETA 1.0.0
May 31, 2024All listed services now have descriptions
Website design is finalized
Placeholders applied to pages
Application page made
Website now operates under the starservices.space domain
Updated 11/06
Naked domain does not work on every browser
This is a google sites & http certification issue, Version 3 will be built on a custom framework
Classic www. works for every browser
Current browser naked domain compatibility:
Google Chrome - Inconsistent
Firefox - Working
Microsoft Edge - Working
Opera GX - Inconsistent